Tiktok, Beavers, and bonus Calendars
Fist things first. After much hesitation, I have started a Tiktok account. I’ll be sharing some behind the scenes content as well as wildlife encounters and anything else you want to see, just let me know! If you’re on tiktok and would like to give me a follow, you can find me here: https://www.tiktok.com/@grandtetonphoto
It has been a strange winter here in western Wyoming. Very cold and dry. I think the bison, moose, elk and deer are happy because it’s easier for them to access food in the shallow snowpack. Lately I have been focusing, no pun intended, on photographing river otters. This has proven to be quite a challenge! If you enjoy long walks through the snow in frigid temperatures, looking for otters may be for you! I haven’t gotten the shot I’ve been looking for, but at least I’m able to find them occasionally now.

I have had more luck finding beavers though. See video below.
I would like to thank everyone who ordered a calendar from me. This was the first time I made a calendar and they sold out around Christmas. There were some disappointed people who missed out, if you are one of them I have good news. I bought back some calendars from a store in Jackson and they are available here: https://jeffbernhard.com/product/2022-grand-teton-national-park-calendar . I will be ordering a lot more calendars for 2023, if you are interested I should have them available later this summer.
Other than that I have had some luck recently with a red fox, coyotes, and of course lots of great Teton sunsets. Thank you all reading and I hope you have a great weekend!